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17th March 2023

Wokingham is difficult to get to when you can't drive, but I was given no alternative. RBH, where I had the surgery, is much more accessible to me. Public transport to Wokingham would mean two trains and a long walk, or a long bus journey and a long walk. Neither of which is acceptable following surgery or when you can't walk properly to begin with. Taxis are just too expensive. This is why I have marked down on the place being suitable.

Suggested improvements
My single session so far was as I would have expected and I have no complaints. However, the amount of sessions given/length of time between sessions given following surgery is poor. I have friends who have had surgery under the NHS, but at independent hospitals, who have received weekly physio sessions. They feel that they progressed faster because of this. I had 4 sessions in 5 months following my last spinal surgery, so I'm not expecting this time to be any different under what is obviously an unfair system. I also do not want to be directed to any YouTube videos or handed a sheet of exercises printed off from the internet. If I turn up for my session, at the very least I expect to be shown what I should be doing.

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Ease and Accessibility