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3rd March 2022

I was asked on arrival whether I had a covid vaccination which firstly was totally unnecessary and don't believe you have the right to ask me this question when I was attending for physiotherapy only. On replying to the physio and the reception, I encountered a very disapproving look and was told I had to sit in the corridor away from other physio patients. Thus I found to be absolute discrimination and totally unnecessary as there were other patients waiting for different services sat in the same corridor so didn't see any difference whats so ever. What was the difference in me sitting outside to then walk past the patients waiting for physio to get to the cubicle !!!! Makes absolutely no sense !!!! I was made to feel like I should be treated differently to everyone else, which is totally ridiculous in this situation. Covid could of just as easily been spread by walking past them. Absolutely ridiculous.

Suggested improvements
Do not discriminate or alienate people for making their own choices when you reasoning is absolutely unfounded

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Ease and Accessibility