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11th March 2023

[name removed] (my therapist) talks to me with high respect in regards to my experience and knowledge of life and empathises with my complex situation. He is a friendly kind and considerate individual. I haven’t finished my care with [name removed] but there are areas where I would like [name removed] to help me get my physical issues sorted out with the GP and specialists. I have reason if my physical issues regarding my head, face , nose and stomach is sorted out, then the probability is very high my psychological issues will fade or diminish. I have had to endure physical discomfort which has detriment my normal functioning over the last two years (up and down) in my every day things. This has caused a vicious circle of stress and anxiety including disorders and elements of low mood come and go including motivation and self esteem/confidence.

Suggested improvements
My care has not finished with talking therapies. I would like my therapist to have some action plan or great influence to speed up the process of my physical recovery especially with my head and nose with allergy specialist , UCL specialist and gastroenterologist specialist. Identify the key areas that is causing me so much distress and continuous discomfort.

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