
Warneford Hospital

Warneford Lane, Old Road, Headington, OxfordEngland, OX3 7JX
2,453 reviews




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Written by a patient
25th March 2014

I recently spent three months on Wintle Ward at this hospital. Most of the staff were surly, patronising and uncaring. It felt as though the patients were a nuisance, getting in the way of the staff's important work. There was no distinction between qualified psychiatric nurses and untrained healthcare assistants. This made it very difficult to know who to trust. The one notable exception was the Occupational Therapist who cared, listened and did her best to help. The food was largely inedible. There was no choice, and the main course always consisted of something heavy, stodgy and meat based. As a vegetarian, this was totally unacceptable, but when I asked for a vegetarian option I was offered dry bread. Luckily I have a wonderful family who brought me in a salad based meal every evening. I lost 3stone during my stay at the hospital - but no-one noticed except my husband. I was denied contact with the consultant psychiatrist who had been treating me for several years, but was transferred to a doctor I did not know and who did not know me, simply because my doctor only sees male inpatients, and this new doctor only sees female inpatients. WHAT CENTURY ARE WE IN?? I had a brilliant rapport with my original doctor, built up over the years. The new doctor came across as cold and unfeeling - but, as I said, we didn't know each other. Eventually I discharged myself.

Written by
25th December 2013

I would NEVER recommend this setting, it is an absolute disgrace. I have unfortunately been involved with this ward for several months due to a family member being a patient at Wintle and I continue to be surprised at the poor level of care provided; it beggars belief that such a poor standard of care exists in today's NHS. Staff treat relatives and friends of patients with no respect whatsoever, I have been reduced to tears on more than one occasion. They appear to be deliberately obstructive, and have no compassion at all. Staff do not appear to communicate with each other and seem to have very little idea as to what is going on most of the time. They are sullen and make it very clear they would rather not speak to carers and relatives at all. As a family we have been given very little information about how the ward is run and we everything has been a battle. I have never been spoken to so rudely in any other clinical setting and am disgusted that these people continue to be employed by the Warneford.

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Short link to review Warneford Hospital: http://iwgc.net/eb6eg