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Written by a patient
3rd November 2020

Mostly the courses run by Recovery College are good but I have a feeling that students are not respected as intelligent individuals capable of expressing views which are different from Recovery College. Some of the courses are pitched at too low a level. Two of the peer tutors and the Co-ordinator are very caring and understanding of students. On one occasion I joined a course and was told to leave, despite being told I could attend by the Coordinator. This was very embarrassing in front of fellow students. On another occasion I was told that I wasn't capable of taking in too much information. Some courses have been very enjoyable, particularly where peer tutors engage at the same level as students so that we all appear equal. The external leader of the Connect course does not appear suitable for the job. I raised comments on two occasions, once in writing, concerning what appears as a judgemental, uncaring and unempathetic attitude. I was told this was most uncharacteristic but that something would be mentioned. After that the attitude became even worse. There were examples three weeks in a row, and I don't feel my views were respected. I will not be enrolling on that course again. Recovery College seem to place a contractor's view above that of a student. Students could be more welcomed for their talents as intelligent individuals, rather than vulnerable patients to be controlled.

Suggested improvements
Start the courses on time - on several occasions the start has been delayed by 20 mins waiting for everyone to join, then repeating the Learning Agreement rules too many times. Don't keep repeating the Learning Agreement rules - we have signed up to them so don't need to have every rule repeated. It adds to the feeling of being controlled as patients. Allow separate feedback on every individual course - not just on generic Recovery College as a whole after every course. Completion Certificates not really needed (for me anyway). Seems a bit condescending and would save admin team not to do them. Agree to Learning Agreement once a year, not separately for every term. Would save admin and streamline enrolment. Delete the two places on this form template where it says "Great keep going". Do not require the form require answers as a patient and as a carer before being able to sybmit. For enrolment - maybe understand more in confidence on students needs, stage of Recovery, trigger points, and educational attainment level - to pitch the course level better. Keep the course content positive, light-hearted and interactive. Do not include negative trigger points for students. Have Safety Plan immediate interventions in place should trigger points be reached. Treat students as intelligent individuals, rather than vulnerable patients.

Patient satisfaction
Carer, family & friend satisfaction