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Written by a private patient
29th November 2021

I am really disheartening and stressed about my first cycle with dr.Jeve. To start I book my consultation and me and my partner walked out really hopeful and happy. I have my tube test and he told me everything looks fine and we are ok to go ahead with letrozole and trigger shot. I have suffered two miscarriages this and have ovulated every month so my problem isn’t if I ovulate but I ovulate late and dr said he would like to get me to ovulate sooner and monitor me to see if my lining stays thick and he think j will do really well with this treatment and he is there to take that anxiety away from me and that we really far away from looking at IVF. We then went ahead and started for letrozole witch we took and booked our follicle scan for day 10 witch he told me yeah lining is ok and you have a 13 and 14 witch I felt was very relaxed and uninformative as I have Freinds that have had the same treatment and told me that they was told the measurement of there lining and all the follicles not just the 2 largest, I was told ok trigger day 13 witch left me a little uncertain as all the research I have done they have said you should have a scan every 2 days as the follicles need to be minimum 18mm but I wasn’t I was sent home to trigger without any further scans or check ups. I did my trigger as told and timed intercourses as told but still was left unsure weather I did actually ovulate. I am now a week late in my period and I am definitely not pregnant but concerned and stressed as to why I haven’t come in my period so I had to contact the clinic to get a call back. I stressed to dr Jeve my concerns and that I am y set and feel I haven’t been given the best chance to get pregnant. I understand it’s not for everyone but if we had been monitored abit more you would 100% know what has happened this cycle but we don’t as it’s a guessing game and now I am unable to start my next cycle as I haven’t got my period due to something this cycle. Witch he responded very defensive and abrupt saying well your best bet is IVF and I suggest you get tested for a certain disease witch you can imagine has made me very unset and stressed out. Very quickly the kind helpful dr turned very careless and defensive. And now I have been left not knowing what has happened with my body and rather scared with what’s wrong with me. I feel as if I have wasted my time and money! Totally fitting when you have gone though a year of hell and loosing 2 babies
