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Written by a private patient
10th August 2021

MRI DEPARTMENT This was my first experience being a patient, I have previously accompanied both my late son and my daughter when they needed scans. I recall the kindness and the care involved, how at ease they were made to feel during their procedures. Everything was thoroughly explained and they listened to music throughout their scans which really helped them to relax and made their experiences positive. The atmosphere upon my arrival in the reception was extremely tense, this was not improved by a nurse arriving with a pair of disposable gloves for me to remove my jewellery, initially my gold (not magnetic) belly ring. It was extremely undignified and intimidating being told that the metal would be ripped from my body by the machine whilst I’m there in reception with my dress up, trying to remove it. I didn’t realise nor was I offered the use of a private changing cubicle until I was taken through! That would have been a more appropriate option. I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks in enclosed situations and mentioned this to the nurse. This fell upon deaf ears as there was more concern regarding platinum (not magnetic) ear bars which I was having difficulty removing.. the whole situation was rushed and I was starting to get panicky, the nurse asked the radiographer on two separate occasions whether she should get the magnet only to be told no, they are coming out. His manner was cold, dismissive and you could cut the atmosphere between them with a knife. I now upon research have learnt that anything which isn’t stainless steel can in theory remain if it proves difficult to remove and a magnet can confirm this. I found the radiographer conducting the procedure to be extremely brusk, aloof and cold whilst I felt overwhelmed and frightened. The nurse at one point offered me a tissue saying that she could see I was getting upset. He wanted the whole procedure dealt with as quickly as possible and without any form of empathy. Nothing was explained to me in any detail, any questions I asked were dismissed monosyllabically and it was extremely upsetting. I asked about the face mask because it contained a metal wire, I was told that was fine. Only to research later that metal wired masks should not be worn because they can cause burning to the bridge of the nose. Thankfully I had pulled that away from my face because I was struggling with my breathing due to anxiety. I asked how long the procedure would take and was met with a vague, 20 to 30 minute dismissive answer. At no point was I offered any music to help the situation so the loud machine noise was constant and anxiety making. This whole situation could have been avoided if the team had shown compassion, empathy and understanding. But it seemed to me that they needed to get me in and out as quickly as possible especially as apparently the lady before me was late which had a knock on effect. The radiographer in question was particularly uncaring and unhelpful, maybe this wasn’t helped be me being his last appointment of the day. Even the nurse showing me out apologised to me about everything and said, you probably just want to go as quickly as possible don’t you. Whilst I understand the concerns regarding jewellery, there is no excuse for insensitivity towards a patient who was feeling anxious and vulnerable. I should not have to walk out of there shaking and in tears, feeling traumatised. It is grossly unacceptable and unfair, especially in a private hospital where patient care is one of the top priorities. That should also include mental well-being I would have thought.
