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Written by a family member
21st May 2017

While in this facility, I watched as nurses administered drugs through my brothers a drip, yet did not check on how quickly it was going into his veins, this caused much discomfort and drowsiness (also a backlash of blood came after asking for it to be slowed down). In addition to this, I watched an employee administer his medication, and then moving onto the next patient without washing their hands, despite touching his cannula? He also had a bag to help get rid of the air within his stomach that was not attached correctly, causing him to be sick, which he was then left in his gown for hours before being offered a new one. To add to my annoyance, there was also one employee that decided to stand next to the bin after assisting with a patient in the bay, on their phone, before even washing their hands. I had also witnessed one employee falsify notes in his folder of the amount of urine passed, despite not knowing? Please also keep in mind the majority that I have written is in the space of 2 hours of my visit. This causes me much concern, and it is worrying to see not even the basic hand hygiene techniques are being considered. What else is not being done correctly? I cannot completely complain because there has been a few excellent/ helpful staff that have looked after my brother and I cannot fault their performance. It is, however, a shame that some employees cannot follow the correct protocalls, to which I feel dignity and respect have gone out of the window.
