St. Lukes Hospice

Stamford Road, Turnchapel, Plymouth, PL9 9XA
2,633 reviews




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Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Inpatient Team written by
5th March 2020

I wasn't a patient or family member but worked there as a volunteer for the day and just want to thank the staff as they was a amazing and taught me so much in one day and seeing them with the patients was 1st class care. St lukes was lovely and clean and there was places you can seat and think for anyone that needed time it was so calm and felt peaceful for the patients. I would recommend this place to anyone and I would even put my own family member here if needed as I know they will get the care that needed well done too you all and thank you for lovely experience will remember my day there and since leaving that one day has touched my heart keep up the amazing work you all do :))

Care and treatment
Trust Staff
Satisfied with support
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Inpatient Team written by a patient
27th February 2020

Staff consistently demonstrated empathy with, and understanding, patients symptoms and concerns. They were proactive in their approach and decisive in making decisions. Facilities were/ are good though if there was one slight area for improvements it would be in general repairs eg broken light bulb.

Support Staff
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Inpatient Team written by a patient
27th February 2020

Today I was fortunate to have sister Karen looking after me who was very kind and caring and always, with a smile on her face which brightened up my mood many times. I believe she went above and beyond. I was also very lucky to have sister Nicola looking after me and she too went above and beyond and some. Sorry Karen, it was the 'freeze top' that shaded it. : )

Support Staff
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Medical Outpatients written by a patient
27th February 2020

Nothing can be improved different from the care given on this visit.

Support Staff
Review of St Luke's Brooklands - EOL Urgent Care written by a family member
23rd February 2020

Sadly although our experience of inpatient care at Turnchapel was exemplary and faultless, I cannot say the same of the EOL team. My husband came out of Derriford Hospital where they had suggested he was on the verge of death: I did not believe that diagnosis not because I did not want to lose him but because the signs were not there - he was lucid, eating and drinking well, bodily functions were normal. The EOL team - please can that be changed? - were patronising from the outset and disinclined to listen to the patient or his wife. A sister turned up unannounced one Sunday night and insisted on giving him a bed bath: I remonstrated with her that he has had one earlier in the day and that movement was difficult and potentially painful for him. I was brushed aside like a hysterical ninny - and then told that it would require 3 people to move him in future since he was "so large". Large because he was on high-dose steroids which promote weight gain and appetite and he had terrible fluid retention because of his cancer. That was shocking enough. But then another team later refused to listen to the patient who was desperate to open his bowels. The team refused to help him - there were 3 of them but the care plan specified 2 were needed to hoist him. I told them this was nonsense on stilts - could one not leave the room? I was left to try to help him with my 87 year old mother after they had gone. It was distressing, unnecessary and frankly unprofessional. I complained to another staff member and I understand that was addressed - but no-one from management contacted me to confirm that. The EOL team members acted as though they were "in charge" and my husband and I were deluded or daft. I was shocked at their attitude, genuinely so. I am able to stand my ground but anyone else could have been left even more upset at what is a distressing time anyhow. He later died in St Luke's - the inpatient team were completely different - warm, compassionate and involved. I hope our experience was a blip - but somehow I fear not. Please address this management.

2020-03-10 16:30:28
Response from St. Lukes Hospice

Thank you for your comments. The team at St Luke's Hospice have seen your feedback and noted your concern. St Luke's would like to request that if you should wish to discuss your feedback further to see how improvements can be made, or to make a formal complaint then please contact the Head of Quality & Compliance on 01752 401172.

Care and treatment
Trust Staff
Satisfied with support
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Inpatient Team written by a family member
23rd February 2020

My husband had two stays in St Luke's and was spoiled on each occasion. The first was for 3 weeks to get his pain medication under control: he had a fantastic room with a fabulous view over the city and out to Dartmoor which helped his mood enormously. He loved all the food which was generous and heavy on custard! Staff and volunteers were thoughtful, caring and committed. The access to the medical team to ask questions and be told plainly what was going on was a stark contrast to his stays in Derriford hospital. On his second visit he was greeted warmly by staff and volunteers who remembered him and made him feel special and important to them. His care again was exemplary. Doctors were genuinely interested in making an improvement in his pain and quality of life. Nursing staff attended to his every need with bed baths, hoisting to a shower chair, and even a jacuzzi bath which enabled him to feel his legs again and which he enjoyed hugely. Thank you.

Care and treatment
Trust Staff
Satisfied with support
Review of St Luke's Brooklands - EOL Urgent Care written by a family member
16th February 2020

I thought that I would recommend your services to others, but, due to a bad experience to myself on behalf of my mother, I find that as tainted how I feel about your service (and that's sad). My scores reflect on the way we were handled by this, not on all the other ways we were treated.

Rating not given.
Rating not given.
Support Staff
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Inpatient Team written by a family member
16th February 2020

The ambience and facilities offered by the hospice are 5 stars and next to none. The location is superb with beautiful inspiring views enough to cheer up even the most down at heart patient. The care offered is professional, thorough, sincere and fully complete, inspiring confidence in the whole hospice staff and general organisation can't fault it!! 15/2/2020.

Support Staff
Review of St. Lukes Brooklands - Community Team written by a family member
16th February 2020

Debbie came as arranged very kind and informative, and got in too well with social services for us to sort our a care package. She was very good with our mom as mom is deaf and she had to keep repeating herself. We were very impressed with her manner etc.

Support Staff
Review of St. Lukes Brooklands - Community Team written by a family member
16th February 2020

Good:. The excellent care the patient received which enabled him to stay at home as he wished. Also the equipment provided for him to stay at home. Could be improved:. When there are a lot of family members involved, to ensure that key information regarding care is communicated to the correct person.

Rating not given.
Support Staff
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