St. Lukes Hospice

Stamford Road, Turnchapel, Plymouth, PL9 9XA
2,633 reviews




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Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Inpatient Team written by a patient
21st October 2015

Excellent 24/7 care.

Support Staff
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Lymphoedema written by a patient
21st October 2015

Caring and listened to my worries. Jo was brilliant.

Support Staff
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Medical Outpatients written by a patient
21st October 2015

Support Staff
Review of St Lukes Brooklands - Crisis Team written by a family member
21st October 2015

One of this must difficult periods of my life was made so much more bearable by your team. Thank you all.

Support Staff
Review of St Lukes Brooklands - Crisis Team written by a family member
21st October 2015

Lovely, kind, compassionate nurses, gentle manner. Gave me confidence to look after my relative. Knowledgeable and caring.

Support Staff
Review of St Lukes Brooklands - Crisis Team written by a family member
18th October 2015

The crisis team took great care of my recently deceased father. Peter Andrews ( son of Frank Andrews)

Care and treatment
Trust Staff
Satisfied with support
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Inpatient Team written by a patient
18th October 2015

The principles of the NHS should be openly and actively encouraged by and for all of the people, no matter how wealthy or how poor. Having experienced the NHS over the past 5 years, my family and I have been horrified at the thought of my ending my days in hospital. There are many talented and caring individuals working in Hospital with too few and inadequate resources. These individuals have enabled me to live a full life and I am grateful for their skills, care and support. There are also individuals that are given responsibilities that are clearly too much for them to cope with, they are out of their depth and it is as unhealthy for the individual staff member as it is for the patient being cared for. Then there are the individuals who should not be working in a hospital, though they are few in number they leave an indelible mark on patients and their families causing pain and suffering long after the patient has been discharged or passed away. Coming to St Luke's I was suspicious, I believed I would be at St Luke's until the end of my life and I thought my life would end in great pain with devious staff making decisions for me and avoiding my calls for help and support. I felt I needed to stay alert and in control for as long as possible to enable me to make decisions such as how quickly I could return home. I had been living with these thoughts because I had based all care to be like the care I had received in Hospital, where on every admittance I had returned home very unwell with exhaustion and a feeling of despair. Well, I was wrong and very happy to admit how wrong I was. The care at St Luke's has been outstanding. All of my needs have been met by caring, friendly, supportive individuals who have given me confidence in taking the next step back into the community, to a nursing home in Plymouth. I cannot pretend I am happy to be leaving, I would rather continue staying at St Luke's for the remaining weeks/months that I have left, but I know there are others like me who have suffered not only the pain and anguish of cancer but also the fear and horror of being admitted to Hospital. It is right that I move to a new residence so that others can receive the care, honesty and consideration of the team at St Luke's. By team I refer to the Doctors, Social worker, Clergy, Nurses, Carers, Support Staff, Catering, Cleaning, Maintenance, Administrators and of course the wonderful Volunteers making me endless cups of tea and passing the time of day with a chat and a sing a long. I am sorry if I have missed anyone, I include everyone at St Luke's, the other patients and their family and friends also become part of the team as everyone embraces the values and vision of St Luke's. Being an independent man I have found it difficult to accept others involvement in my care. St Luke's have quietly supported me leaving me to manage when I have been able and assisting me when I have been less able. They have shown me how I could more easily manage my own care whilst helping me with tasks that have become more challenging. I have been involved in my care and well being throughout my stay at St Luke's. The team have looked after me body, mind and soul, my whole person, not just my personal care needs. I have been actively encouraged to ask for information as well as assistance. I have been given the time to discuss my needs and I have been given time to think and reflect so that I can discuss my care again and again until I have felt reassured enough to make my own decisions based on what I really want, not what I think others wish to hear. My family and I have been treated with dignity and respect at all times. We have been supported in our wishes, whatever we have requested we have been able to discuss and we have carried out our plans as we have desired. The team always ask me if I am happy for family members to be involved in any discussions about my care. The Doctors have sat with me and my family and we have talked at length about future plans taking into account the shortness of time I have left. They have enabled me to come to terms with my remaining time and I am feeling more relaxed and focusing on things I need to consider instead of worrying about decisions being made without my input. I know the Doctors and all the members of the team are working in my best interest and they are following my wishes. Human Rights are a very important part of St Luke's values and beliefs, it is not rhetoric, they practice it openly on a daily basis. The environment is truly amazing, it is quiet and calming enabling reflection and coming to terms with ones own destiny. The resources are excellent, no squeaky chairs or tables that refuse to be pushed aside from the bed. The views fill me with positive memories of my past and make every day a better day. The feeling of safety and security, knowing everyone is looking out for me, informing and directing me but not trying to control me as I make my way around the building and surrounding areas. I know I must move on to my next destination to enable others to benefit from the great team at St Luke's. I do not wish to leave but it is selfish to stay. So I wish all past, present and future participants of St Luke's, be it part of the team, family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances good luck and best wishes.

Care and treatment
Trust Staff
Satisfied with support
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Lymphoedema written by a patient
9th October 2015

I found the service and treatment helpful, sympathetic and Jo my nurse went beyond the call of duty to help me. Thank you.

Care and treatment
Trust Staff
Satisfied with support
Review of St Lukes Turnchapel - Lymphoedema written by a patient
7th October 2015

Friendly caring staff who explained with what and why they were treating you.

Support Staff
Review of St. Lukes Brooklands - Community Team written by a family member
7th October 2015

Very good and caring would tell family and friends to go for it.

Support Staff
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