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Written by a patient
15th March 2017

What was good about my care at the Hospice, today? Miracles happen here. I reluctantly get out of bed. The "hard to breath" starts at once. The discomfort starts up during bathing etc. Getting ready for the car to pick me up. Full of "oh no, not another day." I feel so tired, what's the point of struggling on. I get into the car. There is my smiling, happy, helpful driver lifting my spirits. At the Hospice, the volunteers at the desk in smiling, happy moods, "hello Maureen, how are you? OK thanks. Well, what else do you say? I pass the kitchen and the happy volunteer greets me with a kiss and a hug ("The usual, Maureen?") Coffee! Into the lounge and everyone says a happy "Hello". The nurses almost fight to take my coat and help me into a chair. "You look nice today, like you hair, your hair, your top," etc. I feel on top of the world, nurses come and chat. Then its nails varnished, hair style, toes cut, anything else you can wish for. But the one thing missing- a miserable me. Where have the aches and pains gone? Why am I laughing so much, where did all that breath come from so that I can sing so loudly and play those childhood games? How? Because of those wonderful nurses and volunteers who give me their all and more every minute I am there. Nothing is too small not too much for them. So- aches, pains, nothing to live for, miserable feeling and loneliness. Not me! Now I am me and how I feel now will last me because I have next week at the Hospice. Happy hours days. Improvement? How can you improve on something that is already perfect!?

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