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Written by a patient
6th May 2017

I would like to thank your team for the fantastic care and support they have given me. I was referred to your services when I was admitted to hospital with side effects from my chemo. One of your nurses sorted me out my medication for discharge. On returning home I met Sophie wood who became my allocated nurse. Sophie through this whole experience has I felt been a great support to me. I was in pieces having been diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer and going through chemo. I didn't know which way to turn, my whole world had been tipped upside down. Sophie really helped me through this always there guiding me in the right direction and sign posting me to more of your services. She made my world more easier to live nothing was never too much she always had time to listen and sort any issues she could out. I just wanted you to know what an excellent member of staff you have in Sophie. I was also referred with my children to Julie and Sue your counsellors another two fantastic members of staff you have. They were especially a great help and support to my children who were struggling with my diagnoses and to myself over these last several months. I am now I remission and without the support of your team I would not coped as well as I did. You having an amazing team of staff and not forgetting your volunteers the reflexologists, I loved that little bit of pampering. Thank you so much.

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