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22nd June 2022

I struggle badly to change the pouches as I am impractical and often lost my nerve trying. The procedure got off to a very bad start as a bag burst/leaked in the night when I was flat on my back in hospital after two major operations, and three ward nurses had to clear up the mess. Then a doctor upset me by commenting on my incompetence and told me sharply that this delayed my discharge. When I reached home, unable to stand, my carer would not let me change the pouches and shouted at me. Next, I was caught in a row between the nurses and the carer, which upset me so much that I started shivering, and had to sit down in the shower. Even now after nearly four months, I struggle as it seems to go wrong and more often in the middle of the night, which is frightening, yet it always works when I am in the hospital by day. The nurses have been very kind in granting several needed additional Appointments. I am having psychotherapy, arranged by my employer to try to give me more confidence. I have tried do hard to do the procedure correctly and the nurses have given me new models, including altering the size of the wafer hole and adding Flange Expanders. I am sorry that I have caused them so much trouble and tried their patience. It is

Suggested improvements
Many of the problems occurred over the weekend and I think that they were busier or had one less nurse on Mondays. The bags that I put on leak regularly although it is more settled now after three months. I identify with being male and the survey would not let me insert this.

Product Pressure
Nurse Skill