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Written by a patient
10th April 2016

I was involved in a RTC where my car was rolled onto its side I was knocked unconscious and has severe pain in my chest, right arm, shoulder, neck and back. On arriving at A&E I was not seen to be urgent (despite being unable to walk and feeling extremely faint). Firstly we were sent to the wrong department to wait and upon complaining (after 2 hours) were moved to another department where we told we would have to wait again to be seen. By this point I was unresponsive and the Drs told my mum who was accompanying me 'not to let me go to sleep' and if I collapsed 'it was ok because I was in the right place and would then be treated as a priority'. After 4 hours I still had not seen a Dr. When I was finally seen the Dr x-rayed my shoulder and advised there were no problems, we then had to request ourselves that I had a CT scan on my brain due the fact that I had been knocked unconscious - the Dr was so shocked this had not already been done on arrival that he wheeled me there himself! Later that night I was sent home after being given 'the all clear'. A week later I returned to the hospital to attend a appointment that had been made for me at the fracture clinic at10.50. After finally being seen (over an hour after my appointment time) I was advised that I had not received the correct treatment at A&E at the time of my accident and that I should have been treated by a trauma team - the consultant sent me back to A&E for full tests as he suspected a fractured neck!! We then waited another 3 hours back at A&E (despite the consultant calling ahead advising them that he would like me to be seen as priority), when we were finally seen they strapped me to a spinal board, put my neck in a brace and blocks and taped me to the bed - all of this a whole week after first attending the hospital! I then proceeded to have further x-rays and CT scans to check for any breaks. At 18.30 everything was removed and I was advised that I could return home and wait as a outpatient for urgent MRI scan as they still could not ascertain the full extent of my injuries. I was given a letter confirming this, my injuries and a prescription for pain relief. Then at 18.40 another very rude Dr advised me that I would not be going home and that I would need stay in hospital until the MRI had been done and remain in a neck brace. I advised the Dr that I had already been discharged and was just waiting to be picked up. He was very rude and even implied that I had written the letter myself (the letter was clearly on hospital headed paper and had been signed) and that the Dr who gave me the letter did not exist - I was extremely upset. I asked why I needed to stay at hospital bearing mind whatever damage had been caused had been there since I had the accident a week earlier where I was sent home from A&E after being given the 'all clear', I had been dealing with the pain and 'possible fractured neck' for the entire week at home so why all of a sudden did I need to be admitted to hospital? Perhaps to cover for their mistake the first time around? The Dr again was very rude towards me, would not answer any of my questions and told me 'if you want to go home then just discharge yourself but then we wont help you'. I was told I needed to be put back in a neck brace and be observed until the MRI scan had taken place. Eventually I agreed - the Dr walked away without putting the neck brace on me. We was then left to sit for a further 2 hours in A&E before anyone came back to see us. At around 1am the porter arrived to take me to a ward (no one at this point had come back to put a neck brace on me which was the whole point of me having to stay at the hospital in the first place!). Just as I was being wheeled out a nurse shouted over 'don't let her go yet we haven't done any obs - yet another failing and another wait whilst the nurse located a machine to take my blood pressure, pulse and temperature. The pulse monitor was not even plugged into the machine of which I had to actually tell the nurse! And then the machine run out of battery before she could make a note of the blood pressure reading....another wait whilst another machine was located and the obs could finally be taken...and still no neck brace. Finally arrived on a ward at around 1.30 am where I was placed in a side room (I was meant to be observed throughout the night) a neck collar was then placed on the unit next the bed by the A&E nurse who then walked away. I was then advised by the ward nurse that she could not put the neck collar on me as I had been placed on a surgical ward not a orthopaedic ward and that they did not know how to fit it! I was then given some pain relief and the door to the room was shut until the following morning! Yet another failing as after everything I had been through I was not observed as instructed and not at one point during my stay was the neck brace ever put on me despite a suspected 'fractured neck'. I was seen the following morning by another Dr who agreed I did need a MRI scan, around 2 hours later another Dr came to advise I was being discharged....still no neck brace and still no MRI scan. I was advised I would be called back any day to have my MRI. It has now been 4 days at the time of writing this and I still have no neck brace, still have not had a MRI scan and even received a letter for another follow up appointment to discuss the results of my scan that I have not even had. The care and treatment I have received by Queen's hospital during this time has at best been poor and I am extremely disappointed and upset by the way I have been dealt with. I still have not had any explanation as to why I did not receive the correct treatment the first time I attended A&E nor any explanation as to the confusion that followed that first incident. Nobody seems to care.
