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8th June 2024

I was treated like an inconvenience. I hardly received any physio therapy & left bed bound for almost 3 weeks. I only had 2 showers in that whole time even though I was able to sit on a chair to. It was a disgusting & degrading experience. The night staff were so loud & it sounded like they were having a party. They need training on etiquette.

Suggested improvements
The physiotherapists could have provided a timetable of when they would see me as a patient instead of promising & giving just 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a week. They just hid in their office by the nurses station. The Physiotherapists should be accommodating to transfer patients to private hospitals where they have cover instead of being difficult & rude about discharging & being defensive, delaying my transfer unnecessarily especially when I was neglected & left bed bound telling me that my left leg is weak & I won’t get more than one session a day for 2-3 weeks (Christine didn’t know what private cover I had). At the private hospital I stopped using the Sara steady after 2-3 days & actually received 4-6 45 minute therapy sessions every single day for 6 weeks. At Harvester ward Patients could have been treated with a bit of courtesy, dignity & respect. Some of the nurses were so rude & abrupt. Manners don’t cost anything. I used to have to wait for up to half an hour to be attended to when I pressed the call bell & needed to go to the toilet which sometimes resulted as an accident, after which I’d get pushed about aggressively while I was cleaned and changed. The male HCA taking obs early in the morning would do so without warning - I’d wake up in shock, a few times he touched my breast while he put the ice cold arm cuff on. I saw him do the same to an elderly female patient too. I was too shocked and scared to say anything because of his comradery with the nurses. There should be quiet time on wards between say 8pm to 8am. This should apply to staff too. They were so rude laughing, joking and shouting over each other as they communicated. My heart rate was high in the mornings because of how the obs were taken without warning. It’s disappointing that the HCA came back with heart rate reducing tablets without proper monitoring or warning before taking obs. The private hospital asked me if I had tachycardia, which I didn’t. I believe Bisoprapol was prescribed to most patients on the ward too freely to make us drowsy.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse