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Written by a patient
7th April 2016

On arrival we get our room no 27 in the induction department. We wait for an hour to be seen by duty midwife because she was nearly finishing and completing her paperwork. So I was seen by new midwife she was very polite and humble and kind, very caring (Annie) and St. midwife was good as well. At the end of induction 11:00 we have to wait 3:00 lock to transfer to labour ward. The labour ward staff were brilliant and encouraging to me and caring, lovely, polite midwife and student midwives during my labour. These staff have to leave at 8 O'clock. I was crying because of pain and for that they are going. The new joining staff were really rude in the start. She was inverse of previous staff, her words were pinching me and making me angry but it help me in quick delivery.

Rating not given.
Communication nurse