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9th June 2024

Although reception was always full, the staff regularly failed to answer the door buzzer. Some ‘security’ rules mean that partners of mothers in postnatal can’t leave the ward after 10:00pm but also can’t use the toilets in the ward. Never once offered food or water or tea despite spending 7 nights in postnatal with my wife. Staff loved to stand around and gossip loudly at all times of the day awaking us sleeping many times. The only bathroom in ward 17 was not kept clean, on at least 4 occasions in 7 days we had to request they were cleaned before use. The manager of the nurses refused to let me go out and get fresh air after 10pm despite the temperature being extremely high and humid. Generally, not spoken to nicely at any point in 7 days. Either because of the colour of our skin or simply because the staff do not have manners. Have no complaints about labour ward, antenatal or HDU. Postnatal however needs desperate review of staff attitudes. Whilst i was here i also saw an incident where a pregnant woman was removed by security after kicking off with a nurse because she wasnt given any food. Even tho she was in labour

Suggested improvements
Be nicer to the partners of the mothers as we are also doing half the work, changing nappies, feeding and looking after baby to give the mother rest but no one seems to care! Isit too much to be allowed to enter and leave freely especially when your loved ones are in the ward? Its a hospital not a prison. Rules applied inconsistently to patients, some offered nicer treatment than others. Lack of diversity in nurses and staff, very few asian workers. No fold out beds for partners to rest on, room was never cleaned, sheets were only changed once in 7 days despite being soiled many times and this being flagged to nurses from the ward. No vending machine and no food offered to companions and you can’t leave after 10pm or you wont be let back in? Ridiculous! Considering some of the medical staff (midwives stella and trainee saima; paediatricians and maybe one or two nurses) were amazing it really ruins it for the rest of them

Doctor communication
Communication nurse