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27th May 2024

The Doctors and Nurses all work so very hard in such a desperatley poor time that our NHS is in, they deserve so much more that working in corridors nursing and careing for the sick. All of the staff shined with the care and compasion they have for there jobs, which they have worked so hard to do. I admire them all and they deserve so much more respect and support from us all, especially the goverment.

Suggested improvements
I had to wait in a corridor over night to be taken to a ward. Its a very sad situtation and to witness that we are living in, the 21st century and our poor, incredible Nuring and Doctors have to care for patients in corridors that renascent to a warzone NOT the 21st century ENGLAND, It was a very sad day to experience this! The NHS needs help NOW!! Someone needs to walk along these corridors and see what is going on not sit behind a desk and talk rubbish, take the walk and talk to your amazing staff. They need your help now!!!!!

Doctor communication
Communication nurse