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1st November 2023

The whole hospital system was farce. There was only two doctors that night to check patients ( that is what i was told ) and two other to take blood tests from patients. This is unacceptable and highly unprofessional , because the amount of people going throw the hospital every night is so high. Everyone from the stuff gave me different information. First i was told that the waiting time is 2 to 4 hours. After nine hours of waiting i.was told that i am lucky because some other patients are waiting for 16 hours already. For the 9 hours i was in the hospital they managed only to take blood from me and God only knows how long i was going to wait for the results. When i arrived I was told that i should wait for blood and head scan and both of them will be done together so i will not have to wait in between . After they took my blood and 9 hours of waiting was told that i have to wait for my results and then they have to send it to GP and only after that i will be seen from someone for the scan but there is 10 more patients before me. I went to the hospital after motorcycle accident. I had pain all over my body. My back, my neck , my knee .... and every other muscle. I had problem sitting for too long or walking around.the floor because most of the time there was nowhere to sit. The ambulances was bringing people after emergencyand the people.were left in the corridors of the hospital for hours without anyone checking them. There was patients who waited for bed, to be hospitalised , they were left siting in chairs all night together with all of us, in the waiting area. The main nurse announced that all patients who waited for bed for more than 16 hours should be put in the corridor . A lot of the patients argued and disagreed with this found it ridiculous . The ambulance stuff made a comment that people will start dying in the corridors if there is no space for them and no stuff to take care of them. One patient was brought with ambulance and.there was no space.for his mobile bed and after moving him from corner to corner, from corridor to waiting room , he was screaming that he had enough and wants to go home. After i decided that i can not take this any longer i decided that i go home and as i was signing a paperwork for it at the reception , a nurse came to the reception and announced that there is a patient who is bleeding in the corridor. Someone who was just left there. I am surprised that no criminal charges are pressed against this hospital yet. Not having enough stuff is not an excuse . The system is not working properly is not an excuse. This is not legal and endangers the life of the patients. If i have a car and it is not legal, like missing tire or broken engine i will not be allowed by low to use this car, no matter the excuses .There fore this hospital should not be allowed to exist . There was so many more things that happened during my visit , but i find it hard to talk about. People agonising in pain and no one available to take care of them, children in pain, young lady sitting there all night with me 5 days after recession from chemo therapy...... If i am conscious and my life is not in imminent danger, i would not go to this place again.

Suggested improvements
You could have more doctors during the night. 2 Doctors and two people taking blood is unacceptable for the amount of people that need treatment every night

Doctor communication
Communication nurse