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Written by a patient
27th March 2018

I have suffered with psoriatic arthritis from my first flare in 2005, causing me unable to make a fist in either hand, this dealt with almost immediately by a steroid jab, medicated weekly with methotrexate since then. I nearly always have a flakey scalp, but nothing more serious until one knee joint got painful and required a steroid jab into the synovial membrane in 2009, again relieving the problem. Although I walk and cycle regularly, I haven't run (normally a regular training) for about 5 months and the lack this more major exorcise may have left my hip victim to some pain after sitting for about an hour, watching films, etc. Fortunately, I've had no more pain, after a week of skiing. Conversations with my Rheumatology Specialist, at our scheduled meetings, are always positive and leave me with a plan to follow, should I have problems on the way. The right medication and supportive direction always leaves me able to function thankfully normally.
