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Written by a patient
6th November 2018

Outstanding care once again by the Urology nursing staff at QA. Utterly professional and understanding, completely put me at ease, I don't know how you do it. I would make no changes to the inside of the hospital. The staff are, and always have been, amazing. Outside however... arriving by car at 2pm for a 3pm appointment and I couldn't even get on site. Traffic was absolute chaos, queuing back up Southwick Hill Road towards Portsdown Hill and blocking the road. Against the odds, after a 45-minute 7-mile detour to go 800 yards, I did manage to make the appointment on time. I fully appreciate that the sheer quantity of vehicles trying to find somewhere to park at QA is an problematic traffic management issue. But one that needs to be addressed. Additionally, there are large 'No Smoking' signs around all the entrances to the hospital. All of them are ignored. Despite the availability of smoking shelters there is consistently a large number of smokers at all entrances to the hospital. The result is the need for clean-air-breathers to walk through a fog of rancid second-hand smoke to get in an out of the hospital. The most disappointing aspect is that there never appears to be anyone enforcing the No Smoking regulation. What is the point of putting the signs up and restricting smoking to a sensible location if it isn't going to be enforced? I would propose that a submission to Portsmouth City Council for a by-law for on-the-spot fines for those who transgress the regulations is imposed, in the interests of clean air and the health of all concerned. Hope this helps
