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Written by a patient
8th January 2017

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who had any dealings with me on Saturday evening, the 7th of January, 2017, for their care, concern, and great patience, particularly appreciated because both the Minor Injuries and A. & E. Departments were busy. From the receptionists, practitioner nurse in the Minor Injuries Unit, to the radiographer and the staff nurse and doctor (I think Dr. Emma New) in the A. & E. Department, all were exceptionally kind, empathetic and understanding. All of these members of staff ought to be congratulated and thanked for having provided such an excellent service and such wonderful care. I'm afraid that I was not able to rate the cleanliness of the waiting area in the A. & E. Department as 'great' because it left much to be desired! However, I did arrive at the end of what might have been a very busy day so I was not too concerned about having noticed this more minor problem! I found the television in the waiting area a little irritating because the sound was too low for me to be able to hear, but, had the volume been increased, the louder voices and sounds would have been thoroughly annoying for everybody in the vicinity, so I do appreciate the reason for keeping the volume low! Perhaps it might be better to screen something for which sound is unnecessary, but I can't think of anything in this category except for dance, either classical or contemporary, but both these would be acceptable and interesting to few waiting patients, I fear! Highlights of the day's football matches were being screened as I waited and these could be easily followed without the commentary. No doubt the waiting male patients (and some female!) were delighted, but I really would have liked to know whether Sir Andy Murray had won his tennis match, something which I thought I could make out from the television, but was only able to confirm when I had access to the internet at a later time!
