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16th May 2022

I booked for my partner to have his thumb looked at three times. He had an infection in his thumb. The first doctor to see him gave him antibiotics and sent him home. The second time they dressed his infected thumb too tightly and told him to keep it on for 5 days,needless to say after 3 days of agony he had to return. On the third visit I attended as his thumb so much worse after each visit. The doctor he saw the third time was the initial doctor he saw. She had a poor bedside manor after taking his blood pressure she left the room without saying anything and got a nurse to come in the room. The nurse them proceeded to wrap the infected thumb up again without cleaning it. I had to intervene and strongly suggested it needed a professional cleaning at DRI. The doctor and the nurse were both looking at each other as if to say yes your right after saying this she told us about the ladt guy she treated whom ended up in hospital on a drip due to a similar injury, this is concerning as she was the one that treated his wound had it been cleaned properly the first time he may have avoided it. However they were going to send him home with more antibiotics without cleaning his wound out properly . I took my partner to A+E they said he needed emergency surgery the very next morning. I dread to think what would have happened had I not gone to the clinic with him. He could have ended up with no thumb at all.

Suggested improvements
I strongly suggest some infection training to be done with the staff at this branch. I understand there are specialists that are experts with handling infections however I am no expert and could clearly see that something was very wrong and that an infection that bad should not be sweating under a bandage for another 5 days.
