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23rd June 2022

For Marcin Prochnicki - Southend Primary Care Mental Health Practitioner EPUT SEE Southend PCN. I have never been able to open up to anyone since I was sexually assaulted when I was 7 years old. But even when I tried people would disregard or always have a reason for why I felt the way I did. Initially, I was apprehensive about speaking to Marcin, being that he is male and I had always spoken to a woman about these things but I have never been so wrong. Marcin is, even from the very beginning, punctual to our appointments and gentle but direct with his questions. He is always very sympathetic and genuinely listens, he does not generalize what I say or disregards any of my feelings, as I have previously experienced even going to private professionals. I am so shocked and completely grateful that this is on the NHS. Marcin is apologetic on other professionals' behalf who have not taken my mental health seriously and I whole-heartedly wish I could have spoken to him years ago before my bipolar developed. Having bipolar makes my judgment of situations and people distorted but I am not unsure when I say that I can rely on Marcin´s support and commitment to getting me every bit of help and advice that he has access to. Genuinely, I cried after our first appointment - not from my bipolar but because I felt that it was the first time in my whole life that someone didn't just hear what I said, but actually listened and I could never express how grateful my family and I are for everything he continues to do for me. Our appointments are never rushed, they are always filled with useful helplines and strategies and I feel he is on MY side for once in this system. If there is any way Marcin could receive the greatest praise or recognition, then I hope whoever reads this entitles him to it. Marcin is passionate about this line of work, and it shows in how much time he puts into discussing me with colleagues and trying to get the help from psychiatrists and specialists that he recommends. For once, even in my lowest, I see more hope now I have Marcin to help not just me, but many others in my situation. When I speak with him, it is always professional but never like I am being questioned or quizzed as I have experienced with other senior doctors. I never feel like a statistic or that I am who I am because of my bipolar. Marcin once told me how proud he was of me, and how proud I should be to wake up each day and tackle the symptoms that I experience. Marcin also told me that I am strong and that he is sorry nobody ever listen to me when I was too young to understand what I had gone through. These seem like simple remarks, but to me, coming from someone who I respect, meant everything because I really believe he means it. After being silent for over 10 years and down-playing my hallucinations, delusions, my manic and depressed self, Marcin has helped me realise that these are not who I am but what I live with. As he told me recently, many people who suffer from bipolar are some of the most inventive and creative individuals known. This is an outlook that I have never reflected on myself until now. I never write reviews or feedback for anything because I can usually never find the motivation or am too manic to have any realism in normal acts - but I am making every effort to express how deeply appreciative I feel towards his service and feel this is the bare minimum I could do to pay it back. Some may assume that too many helplines or referrals can be overwhelming, but this is incorrect. Coming from someone who suffers from a rollercoaster of emotions, myself nor anyone can ever predict how I might wake up feeling so he has prepared me for every and any instance. Prior to my appointments with Marcin, I felt insolated in every emotion knowing that I never knew where or who to talk to but thanks to Mr Prochnicki, even when I am physically alone, I always have a route available. This is because we may feel one way in an appointment, but a few hours later we could plummet, or weeks later we could ascend so high into mania that if one only recommends a single cause of action, it becomes completely useless further resulting in strategies not working. I am, nor do I assume I will be stable anytime soon, but answering the call to Marcin was the first massive, and correct step I took in trying to improve my condition. I could keep writing, but we'd be here for hours. I just hope that many learn from Marcin's outlook, perspective and recommendations. Because he really does understand, which is very difficult for anybody who doesn´t experience what goes on in my mind. The greatest of thankfulness from myself, my family, and everyone who lives with Bipolar.

Suggested improvements
Nothing to improve for Marcin. Everything for others to learn from him.
