Share review of Community Services - Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust


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14th December 2022

Therapy 4U+ was something I had not tried before, and was suitably anxious prior to commencing having had several bouts of unsuccessful therapy previously. I was allowed to have online therapy via teams, which was perfect for my needs as I work full time meaning time off work for therapy appointments would not have been possible. With where I was at emotionally for the sessions, teams enabled me to be more vulnerable and honest than I would have felt able to had I been made to attend in person therapy. It also meant reduced anxiety and better recovery from sessions as there was no travel time , increasing my rest period after to reflect or rest as needed. My therapist Gill, was the first care professional in a long time who seemed to have actually read my background and issues, and adjusted the sessions to what I needed. Trust was built over time and not simply expected from session 1 , and traumatic topics were discussed compassionately and in a manner where I never felt "forced" or pushed into a discussion I was not ready for. A feeling of safety and control were key needs of mine during therapy and resources/coping skills were provided to ensure any difficulties between sessions were managed. Despite the difficult nature of some topics discussed, some of which I never thought I would verbalise, Gill had built the trust enabling progress to be made. Crucially, Gill did what she said she would, when she said she would, and always explained what was happening. I would say confidently that the therapy 4u+ sessions were the most successful and beneficial I have had in my entire medical history going back several decades. Whilst not "cured" I have a better understanding of my past, my triggers, and what positive actions work for me . I am extremely grateful for the 20 sessions I received (and to Gill for requesting the full amount for me) . I would recommend therapy 4u+ to a friend or colleague in need, but especially to those like myself who have long term trauma as from my experience this seemed to be particular strength of the therapy.

Suggested improvements
My experience of therapy 4u+ was overwhelmingly positive so this is difficult to answer , however not suggesting improvement seems a disservice so I will mention the obvious constraints and potential area's of growth. (1) More therapists/resources in order to reduce the waiting list times, it can be years before therapy comes through and whilst that is an overall NHS demand issue ,clients often have no input beyond medication whilst waiting for therapy. Most medications particularly high level ones are meant to be used/started in conjunction with therapy for full benefit. People can feel abandoned and like there situation is hopeless when they are on a long or undetermined length waiting list. I waited 4 years for an alternative therapy, and my mental health deteriorated significantly in that time, as did my ability to function at home and fully perform at work. I feel lucky that therapy 4u+ once referred only took close or just over a year. (2) Capacity for longer term therapy for those benefitting or in need (beyond the current 20 maximum). I have PTSD , severe depression and anxiety from a significant trauma background which I imagine is not uncommon in clients. 20 sessions was enough to start making progress for me which is a big step, but I certainly could have benefitted from further sessions. I appreciate this can be a hard balancing act in terms of both resources and also ensuring a long list of people all get seen in a reasonable timeframe. In conclusion Therapy 4u+ was painfully difficult and challenging at times, but productive and the first positive step in a very long time for me. It restored my faith in the therapeutic process and I would be able to be more open in any further therapy in future as a result of the positive experience with therapy 4u+. The only thing I would wish to change is having started to make such progress, would have been to have been able to continue longer term. Thanks again,

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