Share review of Community Services - Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust


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31st March 2022

I have had limited contact with my current GP surgery/practice having only been registered around a month, no appointment has lasted longer than 1-2 minutes (both phone and in person) so it has made my feedback limited. However the advice and management information given were concise and appropriate for my current level of input required from the service, although the level of general communication used was perhaps not well individualised or 'tailored' to me personally. That being said, all questions and concerns were answered. Good use of signposting back to the GP if futher input were to be required.

Suggested improvements
General level of communication being more suited/personalised or appropriate for the level of the patient/service user. I appreciate my appointments have been brief, and the information given was to a satisfactory level, however personally I would have liked more detail in explainations. (e.g. mode of action of a medication and how it interacts with the body, or Services that could potentially be available to be offered by the specific surgery) Professional introductions. I have had 2 interactions with someone I presume to be a GP, but I don't actually know her vocation or name. The CPN however did introduce himself and his job role to me to make contact, which was a good positive to start off the phone conversation. Todays phone call was unexpected, and I hesitated to anwser as it was from an 'Private Number'. I think this 'anxiety' could be alleviate for other service users if initial contact was a scheduled event, by that I mean the service user is sent a text ahead of time to warn them they will be recieving a phone call with an estimated time, as this might encourage engagement.
