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17th August 2023

I felt that some of the care was disjointed. For example when I was on nil by mouth meals were still being served or meal orders requested. I had to proactively ask for IV fluids to keep me going while I was on nil by mouth and recovering from an extended episode of vomiting. Post op I felt forgotten - I was in pain but no painkillers were administered for about 6 hours. My preferred name wasn’t even filled in on the board in my post op room.

Suggested improvements
I got the sense that the team needed to communicate with one another better about the patient needs and perhaps fill in the board “What’s important to me” together with the patient.

I felt uncomfortable with Dr Lee because during rounds he came in with two other male doctors and didn’t offer options for my privacy or comfort during examination. He also didn’t tell me he was going to feel around neck before doing so - I would have appreciated a verbal cue beforehand. Scores above are for Simon Atkinson. Simon seemed a good listener about my medical issue and confident in the solution he offered. He did explain why the non surgical options were perhaps less effective. He did help me with the code for my health insurance, but didn’t take note of the necessary pre authorisation code from my insurer. He seemed confident that my insurance would cover the procedure despite himself not being listed among their open referral network, which was a little worrying. He set my expectations quite well about after effects of the procedure, though I didn’t know I’d be pumped with gas and feel very pained because of that. He was clear in advance that he wouldn’t be around post op but he’d send a deputy, which he did. He seemed to dismiss all the other medical options I’d had prior and chalk all of it up to gallstones, which I hope he’s right about. Even if not, on balance it can’t be a bad thing to be rid of gallstones, so I’m glad I had them removed.Overall I was impressed with how swiftly he was able to set up surgery, how clearly he explained things, how generally well he listened and how he set expectations. Let’s see what happens and whether I have any further episodes. I hope I won’t and that his confidence in all of them being caused by gallstones is correct.

The food was great. Perfectly portioned and quite healthy, a good range of options for my 2 night stay. Dr Tayeba was very thoughtful, kind and thorough. My day nurse on 17/8 was also very conscientious, though she seemed very busy. The pharmacist who dispensed my take home medication was very quick and helpful. My porter from acute to CT scan on 15/8 was very well mannered and kind. A lady who brought my dinner on 15/8 in acute was also very kind and thoughtful, and helped me to get my phone charged. My day nurse on 16/8 in acute was very helpful especially with my IV and nil by mouth order situation. The gentlemen who did the CT scan on 15/8 were very thoughtful and did their best to make me more comfortable. The MRI scan team were also very thoughtful and explained the procedure well. I enjoyed meeting and chatting with nurses Simi and Angie in post op on 16/8.

Check In
Listening nurse
Communication nurse
Ease of care
Treatment fees
Recommend Consultant