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5th July 2023

Though I had some discomfort with some members of the medical team, the nurses have all been absolutely phenomenal across the board. Without them the pain and experiences would have been far more harrowing, and they all treated me with superb compassion and care that I cannot praise enough. I do wish I didn’t have to fight so much for higher pain medication when in such crippling pain, but do understand there were some restrictions with my weight. The small complaint I did make was respected and taken note of immediately, so I have no further qualms on that front and wish everyone at the Cleveland the best. Dr. Priya, Dr. Finnegan and Dr. Lee have been very reassuring and definitely consolidated my trust after my difficulties. Special thanks to Phoebe and Xonna for making me laugh despite the difficulty with the first CT. Nile, Kyle, Treena, Dennise, Elen, Klaudia, EJ, Christine, Daisy bad the others, you’ve been incredible.

Suggested improvements
Pain medication should come much sooner when possible during high levels of pain. For other patients with deep veins, I cannot emphasise enough that pain medication must be given beforehand before cannulas are done by those with the greatest expertise. Taking two days for cannulas to be put in (one day of 3+ hours and seven tries) alongside mass bruising and extreme pain is not something I wish on any other patient.

AAU nurses have been superb.

Listening nurse
Communication nurse
Communication Healthcare Provider
Listening Healthcare Provider