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17th September 2022

Very good experience that we would recommend to anyone.We were a bit worried before coming in as we read some poor reviews on Google about the hospital being very money focussed and not very caring, but this was not our experience. We have had a good experience. The facilities are new and clean, the rooms are large. The equipment is clearly good. The nurses are friendly and caring for the most part. The physio was very good, as was Anders the neurosurgeon's specialist nurse. It is comforting to have his details so if we have any issues we can contact him. He spoke to us for a long time and gave us a lot of info about my dads condition and recovery.The food was very good. And the fact that patients get so much choice, for example about when they want to eat etc, was also good. I did appreciate the fact that the doors to the wards were locked. This is good and important. The receptionist on the 4th floor who had to let me in a few times was extremely nice and helpful. Blonde possibly polish? Really lovely lady.

Suggested improvements
The discharge process was a bit of a let down. I arrived to pick my father up at 9.00a.m. because I was worried about parking and traffic given you are so close to Buckingham Palace, and the queen had died, so there was a lot of road restrictions and road closures. we were keen to get away early but mainly due to your pharmacy being extremely slow, we didn't get away until about 13.00. We had to wait for ages, and even when the nurses phoned and the dr (Fellow) phoned, they were still excruciatingly slow. And all this to give us ......paracetamol...and some dihydrocodeine. The pharmacist apologised for the delay, but although aware we were waiting, had not as far as I'm aware, made much of an effort to speed things up. So this could be improved. I don't think my father used the call bell very much, but we did hear some call bells going off for quite a while which might imply that some patients are waiting a while for their call to be answered. I do feel security at the front desk could be a little bit more robust. Sometimes I was asked who I was going to visit and which room they were in (which is good, they are checking who I am) but sometimes I wasn't and they just printed off my name badge. My dad did have trouble sleeping due to noise, I don't think it was excessively noisy but he could hear a radio, and his aircon system gave a buzz. The Sky TV is ok but not brilliant. The TV screen quality isn't great. (not a major issue). A general observation that your female nurses seem much more friendly than the male nurses. This is in no way meant to be a sexist comment literally just something my father observed on a day to day basis. We did have a lovely admissions nurse, (male) Joron Jimenez, he was very engaging and funny which helped relax my dad who was extremely anxious. I had one interaction with someone from your self pay team who was quite abrupt/off but she could just have been having a bad day? Again just a one off observation but since you are asking for feedback... One of the toilets for visitors in the corridor on the 4th floor has an extremely stiff door which gets stuck, so at one point I thought I was trapped in the toilet. It would be good to fix this. I forgot to mention it to anyone when I was there.

We first saw Mr Ulbricht as an outpatient at Charing Cross. He was very reassuring and clearly has expertise. We appreciated his sense of judgement in relation to exactly what to do surgery wise in relation to my dads age and likely recovery response to surgery.

I think my dad was treated like a human being by your staff. He's old and forgetful, especially when on opiates post operatively and often older people are treated like idiots or without respect. The surgeon visited us several times which was really very nice and reassuring. The room set ups are good and spacious. Clean facilities, quiet due to double/triple glazing? Staff were responsive and friendly to me his daughter too.

Check In
Listening nurse
Communication nurse
Ease of care
Treatment fees
Recommend Consultant