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6th November 2014

I am giving this information as I have been encouraged to do so if I want improvement to patient treatment. The nurses were really helpful, efficient and kind for the greatest part of the time in question. The Sisters and Doctors too, and I consider on the whole, that I was well cared for by all. The ward was clean and bright, warm and airy. The bed comfortable and clean. There was a blocked sink in the the Wet Room. I understand it had to be caused by a patient either not understanding or ignoring a notice, but while waiting for this to be sorted, hand washing had to be done at the other end of the ward close to the door. I had been transferred from the ACU ward and felt that those now caring for me were not aware of the previous treatment there. With that feeling, I questioned some of the medication and blood content levels and was barely politely answered, definitely not re-assured. Although I was assured that I was right to question and discuss, I felt they were not happy to do so. Example; I asked why I was given one of the tablets and was told that it was for indigestion and heartburn. I replied that that had never been a problem and I asked to be excused that tablet. A day later when a pain that I had the day before reappeared but stronger, I spoke of this to the Sister. Her response was 'you should have taken the tablet then shouldn't you' and then walked away. When I later questioned her on this, she agreed to my assumption that the tablet in question was also to ward off any pain that may be caused by the other tablet. Had this little gem of information been given to me I would not have asked not to take it. This is a Sister that I had found to be absolutely amazing in the way that the ward felt really organised and efficient. Her kindness yet authoritative treatment of patients seemed to set everyone in a positive mood. So, I do not want anyone to give my remarks the wrong emphasis. One small blot on our short relationship. Requests to nurses for help - pain or other, were sometimes lost. A second request was treated with 'it's coming' and further requests the same, until once, when it was about lunch not arriving with the rest of patients' meal, it was forgotten altogether! Great apologies for that particular incident, and of course, it was not vitally important. Only mentioning as an example, as this sort of thing happened to other patients too. When I requested a nebuliser to help with my breathing problem, already had one a day previous, so not a new prescription. Again my request was lost many times, even when the medication dispensing Sister (or nurse, not sure as they had just changed shifts)arrived she was seemingly unaware of my increasing distress at not having this needed medication. It was eventually re prescribed and I had the benefit of using it. Not before the evening meal had arrived. I was not able to have mine as the nebuliser was more important to me. The Ward Doctor was also unhappy at me inquiring about my condition. He did not agree that my legs were still swollen and he tried to convince me by repeating the fact that a dent has to appear at finger pressure. When I asked about Theophyline levels in my body/blood, he assured me that this substance disappears completely from the body as soon as you stop taking the tablets. This idea seemed to conflict with the diagnosis from ACU, where , if I remember correctly, they were blaming a build up of that substance for the condition I was in when admitted to A&E. On release from the ward the level still in my blood was noted. I do thoroughly understand that patients making queries cannot be pleasant. Questioning an authority is not easy either, and one is not re-assured by an unhappy response. The response to my questions when on the ACU ward were treated with professional and understandable replies. I know this is about Ryeworth ward, but I have to say that both A&E and ACU ward were just amazing in their kindly and efficient responses and treatments.

Rating not given.