
Wey Family Practice

West Byfleet Health Ctr., Madeira Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6DH 272 reviews


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Written by a patient
22nd December 2014

It is useful to have a text message reminding one of booked appointments, but it is extremely annoying to be sent a spam text after every visit to the surgery asking for feedback via this site. I have already mentioned at reception that I would like to opt out of receiving these automatic invitations to comment. I would suggest that normal routine contact should not require comment, and direct contact with the practice manager would be a better way of registering concerns, if and when these arise.

Rating not given.
Written by a patient
11th December 2014

It is impossible to get an answer on the telephone to this surgery. I have written twice before as a result of poor experiences but no action has been taken. I have tried 3 times today, each time holding for in excess of 7 minutes but still no response, simply not good enough!. The poor web booking and automated telephone booking only serve to make this problem worse. This lack of customer care needs urgent attemntion.

Written by a patient
2nd December 2014

Wey Family Practice. They are the best, I can't speak too highly of them. You will normally get an appointment same day.

Written by a patient
1st December 2014

I have had experiences where you ask the receptionist a question and are told a doctor or someone will call you back with the answer and I've had to chase a day later.

Written by a patient
21st November 2014

I think the most constructive suggestion I could make would be that the receptionists get off their high horses. I don't have any complaints about the doctors or the facilities but every experience I've ever had with the receptionists has been absolutely miserable, and honestly, makes me reluctant to get things checked out if I'm feeling unwell. This week I've had two terrible experiences, both regarding the same issue, to do with the original appointment and the referral. The first involved asking if I could speak to the doctor I had seen earlier in the day in passing to ask if playing football with what I had seen him about would aggravate the problem. First, the receptionist asked me what the problem was, I refused to tell her - and second, she then dispensed her medical opinion, based in absolutely no knowledge of the problem whatsoever, that whatever it is, exercise would be bad for it. I told her that I would actually rather have a doctor's opinion on the matter and had to ask her to take my phone number down so that the doctor could possibly ring me and let me know. Funnily enough, having spent years in medical school the doctor was more qualified to offer his thoughts on the matter and told me playing sport would be absolutely fine. With regards to booking my referral, I've been met with an automated system that doesn't allow you to leave a message, and asks that if you don't get through over the telephone, to please post the referral form to the radiology department. Having tried calling the radiology department several times, I decided to call Wey Family Practice to ask if there was any way they could fax the referral form over to the radiology department, as opposed to me having to wait for the post to make its way to St Peters. I made this clear to the receptionist on the other end of the phone, who very helpfully told me to follow the instructions on the form I'd been given, as if this wasn't the first step anyone would take in booking an appointment. I understand these aren't run of the mill requests and accordingly, I also would have understood just being told that that isn't a service provided by the practice and I would have been willing to accept that. What I am not willing to accept, however, and what no-one else should be made feel like they have to accept, is being treated with the assumption that you are an idiot, and being spoken to in a way which reflects this. My first query was clearly reasonable, as once the doctor had contacted me he reassured me that it would be ok to play football, yet this was dispensed with by the receptionist, willing to offer her unqualified medical opinion based on quite literally zero knowledge of the context. I'm not even sure whether the receptionist in a medical practice should be asking you specific details of your case, especially within earshot of other patients and staff, however what followed was more farcical and so I've focussed on that. With regards to the referral, the assumption of the receptionist was that having been given a form, and struggling to book an appointment, that this must be my fault, due to my own ineptitude, and that I must be spoonfed the instructions on the form because clearly, I was too stupid to read "Phone: xxxxxxxxxxx between 0800 and 1600, Monday to Friday, to book on the next available appointment slot. Please take note of the required preparation", and subsequently attempt to do this, without her instruction. The doctor, who I have nothing to complain about in the slightest, had told me that it was important that I left a message with the automated service in order to have them call me but this isn't something facilitated by this particular radiology department. The two options remaining are; call radiology every single day until the automated service is no longer working, or post the form (there's no address on it, which was the reason given to me for why the Wey Family Practice couldn't fax the form). All this has left a bad taste in my mouth and I only hope that whoever is in charge of this practice reads this message and has a serious think about the way staff treat patients. They assume we are stupid and incapable of decision making before allowing us to open our mouths, and because of this they do not listen to what we say, leaving no opportunity to exhibit the fact that we are, in fact, quite highly functioning people

1st December 2014
Response from Wey Family Practice

May I send my apologies if you felt my receptionists were unhelpful to your query over whether you could play football. It was never her intention to give you medical advice but to try and understand the basis of the query before passing it on to the GP. As to the problems you had with your referral, unfortunately as my receptoinist informed you there was nothing she could do to help facilitate this as the department you were being referred to was at the hospital radiology department which has their own booking procedures that we have no influence on. If you would like to contact me directly through the practice, I can assist you with any further issues you may have. Liz Reynolds Practice Manager


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Short link to review Wey Family Practice: http://iwgc.net/ejhla