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Written by a patient
7th November 2016

I was extremely disappointed at my most recent experience. Having felt particularly unwell for 4 days, I felt I should get the symptoms checked out so decided to see a Doctor. Unfortunately there were no Doctors on duty who I recognised, this seems to be a regular occurrence with a continual revolving door of different GP's and Locums on duty. Already feeling unwell, I then had the misfortune to have to sit in a less than welcoming reception which was very hot and stuffy and surely an environment to harbour germs? I then had to endure a 45 minute delay to my appointment (no explanation given) and by the time I got to see a Doctor I was feeling decidedly worse. I have to agree with other reviews in that having been a patient of this practice for over 30 years, there has been a marked deterioration in the experience you now receive. Staff need retraining in the art of customer service. It is virtually impossible to be able to get an appointment over the phone for the same day and the Doctors seem to change weekly. On the day I visited there was only one actual GP on duty plus a Locum and Nurse Practitioner. It is no coincidence that the deterioration in overall service follows the retirement of Doctor Freed, the last of the original GP's remaining at the practice but perhaps more significantly, since the practice merged with Beacon Health in Danbury. Everybody now seems far too busy to deal with patients. Oh for the days of Doctor Hariram, but those days have gone and this is now what they call progress. I hope I am not ill again for a very long time.
