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Written by a patient
30th October 2015

I always find the surgery extremely warm and welcoming. Everyone seems committed to providing excellent, compassionate, appropriate care. I've really struggled, however, my recent experiences caused by the lack of communication between Time to Talk (the excellent counselling NHS service) and the GP's. I've been suffering from stress and anxiety for 20 years and recently been signed off from work for an extended period. Due to the brilliant care I'm receiving from everyone I'm nearly confident I'm going to get better, but I've found the lack of contact between counsellors, GP any my employers a huge barrier. I understand totally the legal commitment to confidentiality but there has to be a better way to synchronise the different departments involved. Eg my counsellor has said from the beginning I may require months off sick, but when given just 5 minutes to explain this to the GP it's easier for me to gloss over, agree to be more positive and plan to go back in a fortnight. It's absolutely delayed my return because I'm distracted by the fear of returning to work too early. This issue was not a problem regarding my recent knee and gynae surgeries where there was effective communication between all involve . I understand that the issue of mental health is a sensitive area (I do so hope this improves one day, it adds horribly to your feelings of failure) This is in no way a criticism of my excellent care but an observation that it seems strange and sad that the person with the mental health issues has to, when at her lowest, has to be the one to be very proactive and determined to keep all the different departments going. This has coincided with me requiring two weekly blood tests for arthritis and painful surgery for teeth implants and follow up gynae appointments. All bad timing and nobody's fault but all contributing over the last few years to my anxiety. Sorry to go on. Thank you.
