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29th March 2023

Nearly impossible to access a GP. Lots of phone calls back and fore. A strong insistence that everything must be done by phone, even when the patient needs to be seen. Receptionists decide whether patient can see or speak to a doctor. Once multiple hoops have been jumped through and the patient is on the list for a call from a doctor, the call never comes, and has to be chased, and then it's back to square one with more receptionist triage. Took 3 weeks fronm initial contsct to actually seeing a doctor and patient was very ill. Reception is very hit or miss. Some staff try to be helpful, whilst others are just blatantly rude or obstructive. One partucular male member of reception has a pleasant demeanor but consistently gives totally wrong information and fails to carry out simple tasks. I would far rather a receptionist said they don't know, than give me the wrong information literally every time I ask a question because they don't understand even the basics. As far as the doctors are concerned, there seems to be no real interest in finding a diagnosis or referring for appropriate helpfor the patient. To be honest I was left feeling like they felt they were doing me a massive favour by giving me less than10 minutes of their time. Not a helpful or pleasant experience. Frankly this is one of the worst surgeries I've come across.

Suggested improvements
Train your receptionists. I don't expect them to be doctors, but I do expect them to be able to tell the difference between certain basic tests and to be able to give accurate information, or to say they don't know, rather than making it up as they go along. By the same token I do not wish to give the receptionist every last detail of my symptoms and medical history, and then have them tell me that they don't think I need to see a doctor! I also don't expect to have them raise their voice at me, tut at me, or speak to me like I'm wasting their time when I'm ill and in pain.
