Beversbrook Medical Centre

Beversbrook Medical Ctr, Harrier Close, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 9UT 938 reviews


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7th June 2021

I requested an appointment via Dr Link and had a virtual call a week later, Jodie was very helpful and said she would put in a request for Blood test I rang later that day waited 10 mins and got my blood text booked for 2 weeks time, ok longer than usually when not a pandemic but in a reasonable time scale. I felt ok having a virtual appointment and reassured that the surgery are still there for you, I have a very rare genetic condition but I feel looked after and find Dr Link and message requests are looked into.

Suggested improvements
I feel that the triage system could be improved does seem to be a very long wait to get through on the phone. I hope soon some physical appointments will be back.

Rating not given.
25th May 2021

Totally abandoned by surgery! Took a month to get a response! Had to write two letters, one noted my remarks in my notes but not actioned. Send electronic message - it never arrived! Final letter addressed to receptionist who handed it to doctor - phone call received about a week after! Had to make my own decision re taking my medication which probably isn’t great but can’t do anything else as can’t see doc and telephone calls not great, often sound muffled as they’re probably recording but makes you just want to give in and end the so called consultation. Virtually impossible to make appointment to see doctor who now seems to be virtual too. Ridiculous triage system by another surgery in another town - receptionist, whom I doubt is medically trained decides who you see!!! Have just spent half an hour writing a previous review which would not submit - algorithms spotting too much dissatisfaction probably wiped it out! Website also pretty useless - why doesn’t it start with patient log in instead of patient having to dig down for log in - patients are using the site to actually get through to medical needs not read a load of twaddle! If you can go to the pub, a restaurant, stay in a hotel, or go to school, why can’t you see a doctor now??? Thinking of changing surgery.....

Suggested improvements
Go back to how the surgery operates before Covid - see patients! Sort out your ineffectual website too.

Rating not given.
20th May 2021

Managed to speak to Jodi on 4th April, adviced to have a Blood Test in 3 weeks and sent some information on Mental Health, 1. Information didn't arrive by email, text or post? 2. No appointment booked for Blood Test? 3. Tried phoning the Receptionist number ? been ingnored and cut off a few times 4. Sent an email to the Calne office, No email of acceptance or reply

Suggested improvements
1. Follow up on your advice 2. Book appointment as promised 3. Answer the phone and never cut a patient off line 4. Answer the email, I have confirmation it was read?

28th June 2021
Response from Beversbrook Medical Centre

Hello there, I am very saddened to hear that this has been your experience. It does appear that we have not given you the best service here and I would like the opportunity to explore this in more detail. At Patford House Partnership, patient feedback is very important to us and we use it as an improvement tool, to review services and continue to offer what we do well and look at changing or ceasing areas where we aren't meeting patient expectations. I hope I can assist you further with your concerns in more detail and if you would be agreeable to providing more information please do not hesitate to contact me at In the meantime, thank you again for your feedback and I am sorry that this was your experience. I hope we can dramatically improve the service we provide to you in the future. Kindest regards - Emmy Butcher, Managing Partner

Rating not given.
Rating not given.
19th May 2021

Whilst I appreciate that things have had to change due to the current pandemic, I am extremely concerned about the lack of face to face consultations. I am currently experiencing severe lower back and leg pain, which I duly reported via the Doctorlink service. The response from them was that I needed to see a doctor. When someone from Beversbrook phoned me, that was not an option that was mentioned. Indeed the only thing that was mentioned was that I would need to be referred to a Physio for assessment. This was arranged for today and guess what, it was another telephone call, where the same questions were asked and the same answers were given. The physio concluded that he will need to see me, which guess what he can’t do until next Wednesday. Yet another week of pain, but that doesn’t seem to matter. So come on Beversbrook, I know you need a triage system, but I thought that was what Doctorlink was for, the practice seems to have another internal triage system running as well. Telephone appointments are all well and good but in the case such as this they are just another time waste.

Suggested improvements
Introduce more face to face consultations

28th June 2021
Response from Beversbrook Medical Centre

I am very sorry that this has been your experience. At the time of your review we were offering a service known as total triage. More information about total triage can be found here We do provide a range of clinicians from Physiotherapists, Nurses, Pharmacists and other healthcare providers who work alongside the GP. This means that our patients can be seen by an appropriate clinician to meet their health needs. Total triage has been put in place to ensure that only those patients who really need to come into the Surgery are called in so as to protect any unnecessary COVID risk. This may mean that you are asked questions about your symptoms several times or that you may speak to a clinician via a remote consultation who, upon reviewing your symptoms, then wishes to see you in clinic for further review. The clinician can then decide if this is something which is urgent or can be dealt with as routine. I am sorry that you feel that this is time wasting, but I hope you can understand that we have this system in place to keep our patients safe. You will be pleased to hear that, with the easing of lockdown and the mass vaccination of patients, we have been able to relax Total Triage and are now offering more patients appointments face to face. This of course is entirely up to the patient, who can also opt for a remote consultation should they so wish to do so. I hope this assures you of our best intentions and should you wish to discuss this with me in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at Once again, thank you for your feedback, which is very much appreciated. Kindest regards, Emmy Butcher - Managing Partner

Rating not given.
17th May 2021

I would like to thank Alex for his help today. We had a short wait for an answer but Alex was very apologetic and most helpful. Thank you.

Suggested improvements
We have had trouble in the past, having to spend a lot of time waiting for the phone to be answered, thirty minutes in one case, and have not had response to emails. The practice needs more receptionists and a more user friendly system for emails. The current app in use is not very helpful.


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