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3rd February 2024

An appointment was made for an inspection of our property. A man came to our house. He didn't introduce himself, just pointed to his NHS badge and walked in. He didn't say anything, just started measuring doorways. Then he asked, "How do you go to the toilet?" I was shocked and asked why it was relevant. It turned out that he wanted to know which of our two toilets I use. Having measured everything inside the house, he went out and measured my entrance ramp and looked at our footpath. He came back in and said, "I can't pass this property. It's not suitable for an electric wheelchair." I asked why. He said that our footpath is uneven and that our ramp, although of a reasonable gradient, had no platform at the top for me to stop on while I open the door. I pointed out that I can't actually open doors, so it has never been an issue. He was adamant that our house didn't pass muster and I couldn't have a replacement for the powered wheelchair I have been using since the Wheelchair Service supplied it to me 21 years ago. My husband hit the roof and the man left. The following day, a woman phoned to confirm the decision that I am no longer entitled to a powered wheelchair. I told her that I have had powered wheelchairs from the NHS for 51 years, we have lived at our current address for 34 of those years and there has never been a problem before. I also pointed out that saying people can't have powered wheelchairs unless our houses meet standards they have decreed is ridiculous because, the second we leave our houses, we are moving around in an environment which definitely doesn't meet their standards. She started to sound cross but insisted that those were the rules and I can only have a manual wheelchair for my husband to push. I asked how come our ramp and footpath are OK for my husband to push a wheelchair round but not for me to mobilise around independently with a powered chair. Could it be that Stockport Wheelchair Services think able bodied people are more competent? She got angry. I told her to stuff her so-called service.
