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Written by a patient
2nd July 2015

My powerchair, issued in February 2015, was running out of power after only travelling less than a mile. I contacted the Wheelchair Clinic, who issued the chair, and consequently met Jack at the clinic at St. Leonards, who then spent 2 hours checking every aspect of the wheelchair. He was able to call on two colleagues for expert help and I left the clinic with a [so far] superb piece of equipment. He explained what he was doing all the way along the session and, although I could not follow most of it, being of a strictly non-practical nature, my wife [daughter of an engineer] was able to follow it all. We felt that we had had a superb session with an ideal outcome and could not praise Jack too highly together with his colleagues, Tony and Steve(?) as we had numerous problems, all of which seem to have been resolved. After a normal day using the chair to travel the sort of distances I was accustomed to travel, I am now not surprised to observe that the power indicator shews a full array of lighted buttons - prior to Jack's intervention I was ending on 2 flashing red lights. As I remarked to my wife, 'How does the clinic replace all the knowledge accumulated by Jack and his ilk when, dread day, he should retire?' I would be most grateful were Jack to be informed I had written this review.
