Boots Opticians Chichester - North Street

310 reviews


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16th January 2017

I have been having ongoing problems with one of my eyes and the teams at both Boots Opticians in Chichester and Worthing have been fantastic - they've made sure I've got appointments quickly, recommended a number of treatments and made sure they've covered all possible reasons for the problems so I can be reassured. Always friendly and helpful.

Clear Recommendation
15th January 2017

Absolutely love going to this Boots Opticians, as the staff are always super friendly and helpful. A special thank you goes to Sara, who never fails to make my appointments fun and full of laughter! Thank you :)

Clear Recommendation
15th January 2017

My first appointment with this opticians and very thorough examination and good communication throughout

Clear Recommendation
15th January 2017

I came out smiling after excellent help and advice from your staff at Chichester. The young male member of staff who performed the eye pressure tests was very patient, and very calming. I usually struggle during this part of my eye test and rarely can give just one reading on each eye. This chap, I think his name is Tom, he had lovely ginger hair like my partner!, managed to get the required 3 readings on each eye. Fantastic. The Optometrist was great help too. He made me realise that my problem with reading at night was not my failing eye sight, but that I needed reading glasses. Varifocals don't work so well at an angle. He made me laugh, the perfect way to relax a patient and make the eye much easier. Finally, the chap who helped me choose my new frames listened to me about what style I would like and found the perfect pair. I think his name was Bradley or Brandon. Overall your staff members at Chichester are a fine credit to your company, thank you very much.

Clear Recommendation
14th January 2017

The staff were friendly and although we were told there was a delay, it was less than expected. I thought the optometrist was thorough. It was reassuring to have the pre test checks and to know about eye health. Having been told elsewhere that I couldn't have daily contact lenses, a solution was found. I wish Boots offered dental treatment.

Clear Recommendation

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