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Written by a patient
18th June 2020

I first met Julie Jones after being seen by a Pelvic floor Consultant at Leighton Hospital in Crewe Cheshire. I was diagnosed with a prolapsed bowel and telescopic rectum and a large rectocele. Surgery was not an option. I was classed as high risk. Julie introduced herself and after her examination of my problems, explained how she could help me and that she would visit me at home. After her visit, I realised she has so much information (more than an Encyclopaedia) and certainly knows her job. She filled me with reassurance and supplied me with a bowel irrigation unit which helped me a great deal. She arranged special pelvic floor physiotherapy. Julie does the job of a specialist Doctor, saving the N.H.S a great deal of money. She is just a telephone call away and if she is unable to speak to me there and then will always return my call as soon as possible. This saves me having to have appointments with my Consultant, freeing up space for other people to be seen. Julie always tells my Consultant what is happening and keeping her up to date. On lock down I was in a great deal of pain and very frightened, as my bowel wasn't working as it should. I was vomiting and in a great deal of pain. I rang Julie for help. She new exactly what was happening to me and advised me to ring my G.P. and tell him what she had said. He agreed with Julie and I was seen in Leighton Hospital that day where they sorted me out. I then was contacted by my Consultant over the phone a week later. I honestly don't know what I would do with out Julie Jones. She is full of compassion, care and is very knowledgeable and professional with a lovely sense of humour that puts you at ease straight away. She is worth her weight in gold. Every Hospital should have a Julie Jones.
