
Gill Wilson

47 reviews


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Written by a NHS patient at Salts Medilink Stoma Nursing Team
20th January 2022

Gill was an immense help to me in every possible way. She was empathetic with the stoma changes, organised all the post hospital help needed, and was very kind about follow up care. She is still helpful now.well over a year after I left hospital.

Written by a NHS patient at Salts Medilink Stoma Nursing Team
14th January 2022

I had a colostomy operation almost 3 years ago I first met Gill to explain the process involved, and then mark the spot. Post op she was there to demonstrate how to fit the bag. She was determined I succeed and once I got home she visited regularly to inspect progress. From the moment I went to see that first time until now, I’ve never felt so well supported. Any questions at any time she would answer on the phone or with my visiting her clinic. I have no worries or concerns I will ever be without experienced high quality guidance and care. I feel extremely fortunate that I have this quality and depth of support. (Plus, Gill is a warm caring person, her enthusiasm for life rubs off!

Written by a NHS patient at Harrogate District Hospital
12th January 2022

I had a low anterior resection in February 2020 and am having an ileostomy reversal operation in February 2022. Gill has been my stoma nurse throughout this period and has always been approachable and available to give help and support. She is very experienced and has given me excellent, practical advice to assist in coping with the ileostomy and generally. She has always been prepared to see me at short notice to deal with queries and allay my concerns. She is a credit to the NHS and Harrogate is lucky to have her on the staff. I cannot praise her too highly.

Written by a NHS patient at Salts Medilink Stoma Nursing Team
10th January 2022

Gosh, where do I start? I can’t speak highly enough of the care and consideration I have been given by Gill. From my first meeting with her I have felt in very safe hands. She explained everything I would go through from pre-op to the management of my stoma. Living on my own I really lacked confidence as to how I would manage my stoma. Gill looked at the different options and together we were able to come up with the perfect choices for me. Gill really boosted my confidence with her care and time. I felt very comfortable talking through my worries and Gill was always happy to take her time and make sure I understood what she suggested. Consequently I always feel I can ring her and know that she will get back to me as soon as possible. I have been very grateful that she has regularly checked up on how I am managing. Thank you Gill, so much, for your professional, reassuring and friendly care!

Written by a NHS patient at Salts Medilink Stoma Nursing Team
8th January 2022

Gill was so patient with me after my Ileostomy in 2012/13 and spending 210 days in ICU & then 7 weeks on a ward , I wasn't the easiest of patients! When she visited me at home I was having endless problems with getting my bag to seal properly, nothing was to much trouble for Gill, she would phone Salts and get them to send out various ones she thought would be the one for me! checking in her car boot to see if there was anything that would help first. It was Gill who identified my Fistula and did we have trouble with it.But then nothing would beat Gill she did solve a few issues with both Fistula and Stoma. In a word she is AMAZING at her job, very knowledgeable. She was a great support to my wife and daughter as well at such a difficult time for us all. Her after care is second to none. Thank you Gill for everything, a credit to our NHS. A star amongst stars !!!! I look on you as a great friend to our family xxx.


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Specialises in

  • Stoma Care


Gill Wilson is a registered general nurse and experienced Clinical Nurse Specialist in Stoma Care working at Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust.
Gill Wilson supports stoma patients in the hospital and new and established patients in the community.

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