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1st May 2023

Everyone was very kind during my visit. However, as I was advised that I had a small polyp I was advised that it could be removed but I would need an injection in my cervix, but the polyp would be removed and a biopsy taken at the same time. I was unsure about this and felt very on the spot and pressured to make a decision there and then. I felt that the doctor was keen to do it there and then but in the end I chose to be called. back to have the procedure done under GA.

Suggested improvements
I had two visits to Gynaecology. On the first visit the consultant was very softly spoken and also wearing a mask. It wasn't very clear what he was saying to me but there are only so many times that can say "sorry?", "pardon?" before you start to feel rude. I caught some of what he was saying, but in the end I had to ask him "so we're not doing anything today?" and he said "no". I felt this was a waste of time. At the second appointment, the doctor asked two of her questions twice and the way she phrased some of her questions was confusing.
