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Written by a patient
14th January 2020

I was very disappointed, as I made clear to Dr Molodynski, when I contacted the AMHT in February last year when I was having a particularly rough time to be told there was no one to see or speak to me and to just carry on with my GP which at that time was not working (through not fault of theirs). So it was a huge relief to me when I was able to see Dr M. as I had felt, from my previous experience, that he really engaged, listened and supported me when things were especially bad with my mental health. This last time too I had six sessions with Mary that I also found to be extremely helpful, meeting her once a week and having an objective sounding board and she gave constructive advice that was a huge boon to my getting back on track. I am hugely grateful to Dr M for again, helping me get back to, what feels like, a sustainable level. The one point I would say I personally do not enjoy about visiting the Didcot AMHT is the radio in the waiting area. I find having Heart radio at a loud volume in such a small space in no way conducive to feeling calmer and even found it quite distressing when I was struggling being outside (of my home) in a public space. I believe, ideally, the radio should provide a softer volume so that it’s merely a background noise that is easier to tune out if needs be.

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