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10th March 2023

Amber was assigned to me as my grief counsellor after the loss of my younger sister Ive found the months following her passing difficult. i have have a condition that leaves me isolated & in the dark. not places anybody should ever be , especially when broken by grief. with Ambers gentle help i have been able to move forward, she challenged some of my perceptions with differing ways to look at things,, was not offended if i disagreed or delighted if i agreed, she was simply there for my benefit.. The counselling is gentle, not all will find it helpful because answers are not given as to why or how does one stop grief?, it does however give a platform to think differently. to move from inside ones own thoughts to a greater view & that is in itself enlightening & such a precious gift at such a painful time, I can not thank Amber enough for her help in helping me make take some steps forwards,, not huge steps but none the less. every great journey starts with one step & i am forever in the debt of the counselling service that St Helena offer..

Suggested improvements
The wait seems to be forever to start counselling, however there are only so many counsellors & with regret grief outweighs the service.. I have no complaints & am only sorry there are not more counsellors

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