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23rd May 2023

i was in A&E for nearly 2 hours before bloods were taken the member of staff didnt have any tape to tape my injection site up i was offered water but member of staff never came back with any i had my obs done 1 hr after arriving and twice more before i left i was there for 6 hrs briefly saw a doctor after 1st hour who passed me onto orthopaedics i requested pain relief and had to ask 3 more times before i recieved any it was an hour between asking and recieving pain relief i feel there is not enough staff and some of the staff dont seem to know what they are doing after being put on a bed pan i wasnt wiped or cleaned up properly afterwards

Suggested improvements
explaining better what is happening what is going to happen i heard a member of staff discussing me over the phone about whether i was staying where i was or going up to a ward and the way they discussed me made me feel like a piece of worthless meat (ie the conversation went why have they put her there she is not our responsibily 31 needs to go up to 29 she is thier problem just send her up she shouldnt be put with you in 31 ,) when your scared vunerable unable to walk due to a healing plated fractured femur . you ask for a bedpan and the nurse cant even wipe your bottom after taking me off the bedpan it was 1 of the worst experiences i have had
