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19th July 2022

This was an online group and possibilities for interaction were limited. [name removed] was pleasant, friendly and professional but I felt was limited to the script of the PPT slides. I had the impression that sharing feedback and having opportunity to discuss issues in a wider context was again limited. When those discussions did take place amongst the participants they became engaging and productive but time limitations obviously had a significant impact upon them. Having had two strokes three years ago, I would definitely have benefitted from the course information at a much earlier point as an intervention and support. The course information was useful but the delivery method (not the messenger) severely impacted upon the efficacy and relevance of the provision.

Suggested improvements
Face to face discussions and group work have a far greater chance to be be effec tive in support but in my own instance, attending Isebrook (for example) would have been problematic and difficult. Online and Team groups are a good way for me to receive support...albeit in a limited way.

20th July 2022
Response from Isebrook Hospital

Thank you for your kind comments. We are looking to keep a mixture of face to face and online appointments to suit individual circumstances. Best wishes, Hugh Jones, Patient Experience Manager

5th October 2022
Response from Isebrook Hospital

Thank you for your feedback. Covid restrictions have unfortunately meant we have been unable to hold our groups face to face. While remote groups make it easier for many people to attend, we appreciate they do make informal discussion more difficult. As restrictions have been eased we have recently been offering people the choice of attending our groups remotely or face-to-face and will be flexible in our delivery method depending on demand.

Spiritual understanding
Cultural needs