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5th July 2021

Unfortunately I found myself in A&E with a minor injury, I left after 3 hours without being seen, not a problem as they were busy. The problem was the attitude of the reception staff! When will they understand that no one wants to be in A&E so why are people treated so poorly when they approach the receptionist? It’s as if people are spoiling their day by daring to turn up?! The way they spoke and treated elderly confused patients was disgusting, it was upsetting to be honest. I tried to defend a very confused elderly man who was being screamed (literally) at to ‘get behind the red line’ and I was told to be quiet. He was so flustered and confused, I couldn’t help but feel emotional. Another elderly gentleman with hearing difficulties who spoke loudly was screamed at for ‘shouting’ at the receptionist when he was just asking for help. People are often confused and distressed when entering A&E, they don’t want to be there as they have far better things to be doing at a weekend than sitting watching people receive appalling front desk service at a time when they are vulnerable. The receptionists manner was aggressive and not helpful or reassuring in any way. Is this the sort of person that’s required when people are injured and distressed, no it isn’t. Grimsby hospital have a very long way to go in the compassion and understanding stakes. Due to the building work at the hospital at lot of people were ‘lost’ whilst trying to find other departments so ended up at the A&E reception for advice and directions, this led to a lot of sighing and and the receptionist putting on her best annoyed voice! Just a little bit of understanding would go a long way because you never know when the tables will be turned. Would they like it if a member of their family was treated with such contempt?!

Suggested improvements
Regular training for staff and emphasising the fact that when working in a hospital environment they need compassion and understanding. Remember, no one wants to be in hospital! Kind words go a long way
