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19th July 2021

The receptionists were very compassionate however they aren’t the ones that have much control, one nurse in particular (Kirsty) was so lovely and went out of her way to care for patients and make them feel supported, the other members of staff however I feel did the bare minimum and left me aswell as other patients in need for far too long without any information or advice

Suggested improvements
You need to communicate the level of care you plan to give patients once they are triaged. I was told to go to a&e if I experienced bleeding during my pregnancy so when I did,I went straight there, I explained my history of two miscarriages and made it clear I was concerned about my baby, I waited 4 hours to be told by a doctor that I needed an ultrasound.. in 4 days! I’m glad i booked a private scan for the next day because I somehow managed to see a baby with a heart beat even though I had miscarriage symptoms! I didn’t need to wait 4 hours to be told I would have to wait 4 days to know if my baby was alive or not, it was utterly cruel! The evening of my private scan, the gestational sac fell out of me suddenly, inside was my perfect looking 6 week old Fetus. I had experienced a threatened miscarriage that turned into a spontaneous miscarriage. The stress Grimsby a&E put me through and the lack of help anyone in the nhs was willing to give was unforgivable, you should be ashamed of your system. Women need more support during 1st trimesters, I know you can’t ever really stop a miscarriage but you need to be there for women experiencing miscarriage or miscarriage like symptoms because a little compassion goes a long way. Tell a women who enters a&e, who is pregnant and concerned about miscarriage, if she will be offered a scan or any form of examination as soon as possible so she will not be left waiting for hours and then days for awful news.
