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11th June 2021

Both in A&E and SDEC I was treated like I was an inconvenience. I was lucky that I was capable of speaking and had my senses about me because god help you if you didn’t!! A very frail old lady in SDEC was left scrunched up in the same position as when I’d arrived in the morning until she went home at tea time. She was left in her own urine and wasn’t changed until she was discharged. She was asking for help yet all of the staff just kept shouting at her that she was going home, granted she was hard of hearing but they didn’t check on her welfare at all. She was left to open a confusing (to her) sandwich pack on her own, very little fluids and no care whatsoever. Myself and other patients tried to explain to the nurses but they completely disregarded anything we had to say as if we were stupid! It was very distressing and worrying for all concerned. Do the nurses think that as soon as you enter a hospital that we leave our brains behind?! Do they know what profession their patients are in? The nurse in charge was fairly efficient but liked to hear the sound of her own voice and enjoyed telling everyone about ‘rules’ whenever possible even between other departments! There was also no patient confidentiality as the same nurse was so loud and kept nothing secret! No one likes to be in hospital, I would have rather been sat at home enjoying the rare sunshine so it would have been ‘nice’ to not have any extra drama that came with experiencing such behaviour. I never once witnessed an ounce of compassion towards anyone that day, especially towards the elderly patients. This isn’t the first time I’ve experienced such behaviour at Grimsby hospital and I’m sure it won’t be the last but this time I’m voicing my concerns. Please don’t get me wrong, I think the NHS is a wonderful institution and the majority of nurses are angels but they’re very few and far between in Grimsby.

Suggested improvements
More emphasis needs to be placed on nurses to be compassionate and understanding as soon as they begin their training. Being in hospital especially during COVID isn’t a nice experience, we don’t want to be there but then be made to feel as though you’re an inconvenience to the staff just adds insult to injury! More qualified staff need to be on the wards and the unqualified staff that are there need to be treated with respect by the nurses in charge, this would help morale dramatically. Staff and patient humiliation was rife.
