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16th May 2018

Firstly i would like to say health visiting team at roundabout childrens centre aremore destructive than beneficial to meet childrens and families needs. Had a query abouta concern about a phone transaction previous health visitor Ms Marianne Clarke had with my partner.She imparted to my wife inappropriate and information to her which was not within her remit to do. Ms Clarke has since been struck of by the NMC(the nursing and midwifery council in2012)., When we queried the phone transaction MsAnne Lunnon head of health visiting went and wrote an irrational letter to say and I quote ("we have looked into the matter and the phone conversation between my wife and Ms Clarke did not take place").? Weird to say the least. Though we have proof it did.The health visiting team at the Rounadabout children centrd were on the whole passive aggressive, and did not believe our child had medical conditions even though there was definitive diagnosis to support this. The public have to have trust in all medical and health visitors involved with there children, not be subject to these type of behaviours and actions.

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