Dorking Medical Practice at New House Surgery

New House Surgery, 142a South Street, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 2QR 345 reviews


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14th May 2015

Kindness and sympathy. You could do with having a lift installed to get upstairs. Waiting rooms need upgrading especially the up hostels.

Rating not given.
14th May 2015

My GP is excellent, so in the people at reception. However I had to wait for 2 weeks for an appt. In the meantime I was sent to A and E at work for feeling very unwell when I got back from my heals.

Written by a patient
11th May 2015

I went to the GP with what I thought was a minor issue. Due to the excellent and attentive care I received, I was diagnosed with a cancer at an early stage. The doctors were thorough, knowledgeable and addressed all my questions and concerns. Fortunately, due to the early diagnosis and attentive care, I am recovering well. The only issue I have is the difficulty of getting an appointment. One has to call first thing in the morning and dial repeatedly or remain on hold for a long time. If you don't call early or can't get through, you have to call back the following morning for an immediate appointment. This seems odd. Most times you will be calling a doctor because you are sick now! I understand this is a limitation of the amount of staff available but I do wonder if a better system could be installed. Maybe some slots for later in the day are not made available for booking until after 11am? Maybe a drop-in centre could be created? Finally, I would like to thank all those doctors involved in my diagnosis and treatment. NB: I have put down I have a long-standing mental health issue, this is an anxiety disorder that is unrelated to the feedback related here.

Written by a patient
7th May 2015

The disabled toilet/toilet is too small, the toilet too low. I am biased as a wheelchair user. But ask the oldies, ask them why they prefer the high seat in the waiting area, then think. And you do know the Surrey County Council still provide grants to people and business's to make reasonable adjustments, like a closomat toilet. Legally you don't have to provide a toilet, you do which is great, but though I can get my privately owned wheelchair completly into the area of the toilet, My NHS chair is too wide and too long to even close the door, and thats the other problem, the door lock, I also have shoulder problem, I really need to be facing a door I need to lock, it is extremely painful to lock and then later to unlock when reaching over my own shoulder. As short as my private chair is it cannot be turned around in the toilet, and there is no way I can back in to the toilet as the door is sprung. Friigen sping is a nuicance - further down you ask gender, but because of your limitations to male and female, you breach the Gender Recognition Act of 2004 as I am 3rd Gendered. STOP ASKING for GENDER' Idiots from the noun idiocracy. Seriously. So I could put my legal gender female, then find another question which in my opinion clearly breaches the 1847 Town Police Clauses Act, which although some of it was re-pealed, still carries the Death Penalty, yet that was re-pealed in 1969, so life imprisonment. For a stupid uneductated questionaire, survey. Now your disabled space. Fair play on having 1 not fair play that it doesn't meet minimal criteria to class itself as a disabled space. A normal space is supposed to be 4.8 metres X 2.4 metres. Your spaces are smaller. At the end of your building there are 3 spaces in a line these are the widest in your car park. But a SENSIBLE practice would be, a Blue Badge Holder can park almost anywhere for 3 hours even a double yellow, now seeing as your car park double yellows are in a PRIVATE car park for use of the Public, not Legal. Which means anyone with a brain cell could park there. Now at the bottom where there is another car park, there is IN FACT enough room to make 2 disabled spaces on the double yellow and allow full access to both car parks, and the ground there is more or less level. Perfect for a wheelchair. Not Perfect for someone that merely using sticks. They need to be closer. So just by thinking it, you and I have created 2 extra parking spaces in your normal car park.... You have doors that can push button open outside, but not inside, I never understand the logic, surely you realise that a wheelchair may require access, a sports manual wheelchair is at least 28 inches wide or way more, not everyone that has a manual wheelchair has a choice on the type of chair they receive. A tennis chair probably the widest chair couldn't get through those doors. It's remarkable that the Practice, which after all is a business can stay in business with such poor buildings maintenance. OR why there isn't a transfer chair in the reception area. There's enough room by the stairs, beyond the login screen, a transfer wheelchair is about £59, you could probably get an 8L or Action3 from the NHS for free. to keep in that area. DOH !! ANd now to finish the questionaire, I have been forced to fill out gender to complete this worthless questionaire, I should sue you for Breaching the Disability Discrimination Act Part 3 2004 and breaching the Gender Recognition Act of 2004 and btw the advised amount for fines and compensation is over 1 million english pounds - it's the law, STOP breaking it

30th April 2015

Very nicely greeted nurses was very pleasant.


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